previous versions

previous versions


If you are a user of previous versions of the ThemeSaver (formerly named RDDSC - RocketDock Saver/Changer) that your previously saved Themes can still be made to work without having to recreate them anew.

However.... to gain the additional new functions and abilities of this latest version, and to avoid problems with the new method of saving Themes, it is necessary that the user should load all your 'old' theme(s) and re-save them (overwrite or new name, as desired) with this latest version of the ThemeSaver application.

Because ThemeSaver now exchanges Registry entries instead of the Settings.ini file, here is the procedure that will allow you to 'convert' your Themes to the latest 'format'.

First, a little background information.

Formerly ThemeSaver 2.x required the user to enable the 'Save settings in an INI file' setting of RocketDock itself. I have discovered that there is no internal setting for this option...

The way it works is that upon first enabling this setting RocketDock will save it's current configuration to Settings.ini in the root folder of the RocketDock directory. The presence of this file itself is what RocketDock recognizes as having the ini setting 'enabled'.

If you delete this file, RocketDock will instantly revert to 'Registry mode' so to speak.


If you load an older Theme, it will shut down RocketDock, load the Theme, and re-start RocketDock. Upon re-starting RocketDock will notice the Settings.ini file and therefore load the configuration information contained within.

You then need to delete the ../RocketDock/Settings.ini file therefore enabling 'Registry mode'.

At this stage I discovered that RocketDock needs a slight 'shove' to update the Registry information. A simple way to do this is to simply right-click on the dock (as if you were going to access one of the settings) and dismiss the pop-up menu by clicking somewhere else. That's it. This action has caused RocketDock to update the Registry to the current configuration in memory ( which was your previous 'ini based' Theme ).

Now all you have to do is to (re)save your Theme with the new version of ThemeSaver.

clear as mud... ?



  1. I installed it but can't for the life of me find it / get it to work

    Please help (

  2. Hi JanSz,

    I replied to your email, I'm sure we can sort this out.
