problems ?
Are you having any problems using ThemeSaver or ThemeSaver?
I've not only been using this software for quite a long time while developing it, but also as something I frequently use as part of my normal computer enviroment.
Theoretically these utilities should work on Win2000, WinXP, and Windows Vista but as I only have access to my own personal system of WinXP sp3, I would appreciate any feedback concerning any problems you might have encountered, especially on these other Windows O/S's.
This is a current list of oddness that I have noticed to date:
- problem: (*new info)
- ThemeSaver/ThemeLoader appears not to work, or Themes are not loading...
- detail:
- ThemeSaver version 3 only works if RocketDock is saving its configuration data in the registry and NOT as an INI file. Note that this is completely opposite of previous versions....
- fix:
- Confirm that RocketDock is set to the (default) 'registry mode'. In the RocketDock Dock Settings... > 'General' tab make sure that the option "Save settings in a Portable INI" is NOT checked.
- problem:
- The ThemeSaver Installer and/or the ThemeSaver and ThemeLoader are infected with a computer virus or trojan!
- detail:
- This is due to the compiler program I use in creating these utilities, and the UPX type file compression used by the compiler. This is a 'false positive' reading by the virus or malware scanner.
- · – — ThemeSaver does NOT contain any malware . . . I repeat, NO malware of any kind! — – ·
- fix:
- I experimented with two different compilers and they both unfortunately produced output that are 'identified' as malware.
The only thing that can be done is to report such false positives to the anti-virus software companies in hopes that they will remedy the problem with this particular 'virus' signature.
- problem:
- Occasionally upon loading a Theme RocketDock will actually crash. This happens when I have a few SysStats based docklets (more than one anyway....) on the current running dock and the Theme is attempting to shut down RocketDock (in order to replace the config info).
- detail:
- This is due to the fact that SysStats docklets are a little bit problematic on RocketDock anyway. In fact this same situation will occur if you try to manually shut down RocketDock as well. Nothing really to do with ThemeSaver.
- fix:
- If this occurs you can simply launch the Theme again and RocketDock will restart with the new Theme.
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